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Composting at Home

Published May 14, 2008

by iris_author

As more and more municipalities introduce green bin programs to reduce the amount of organic waste entering landfills there is also an increase in consumer options for household composting units. Besides the conventional outdoor composters there has been an increase in indoor composters available for apartment dwellers that do not have access to municipal compost programs. These products range in size, level of work involved, costs, and how they compost the organic matter. All things organic is a website with a wide range of compost products and information on how to start your own home composting. The site also contains troubleshooting information on how to avoid getting odours and fruit flies. Household composting reduces your own household waste while providing you with organic soil for your plants or gardens thereby avoiding having to purchase potting soil elsewhere. If you still are not convinced watch this YouTube video on the Nature Mill an indoor small odourless household composting unit that uses heat not worms to break down the organic material. If you decide to take the leap to household composting you will not regret it. Another way we can all reduce our impact on the natural environment.

Posted in: Blogs | Shopping the Talk

One thought on “Composting at Home

  1. Great article. But, we might ask why more people – including my neighbours, don’t compost. I think that answer might have to do with fear of urban vermin. We have several composters on the go in our garden, and last year, we waged war on the rat that took up residence in one of them. Despite encasing the cedar composter in fine mesh wire, the rat just kept getting in somehow. In the end we gave up on the wooden composter, and stuck to the more rat-proof black plastic composter.
