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Upcoming Spring Events at LEAF

Published April 21, 2013

by iris_author

Posted in: Events

Call for Submissions: TLN “Mundo Canuck” Student Essay Prize

Published April 21, 2013

by iris_author

Call for Submissions: TLN "Mundo Canuck" Essay Prize 

CERLAC invites submissions from eligible undergraduate students of York University to the annual Telelatino Network "Mundo Canuck" Essay Prize competition.

The Telelatino Network "Mundo Canuck" Essay Prize is awarded annually to two York undergraduate students, to recognize exceptional writing on the experiences of Hispanic people in Canada. 
Two prizes are granted each year, one of $800 and the other of $450. The Prize was established in 2009 by a donation made to York University by Telelatino (TLN), a Canadian television channel that broadcasts programs of interest to the Hispanic and Italian communities.

Winning essays will provide critical reflection on the experiences of Hispanic people in Canada, highlighting their past, present and future contributions to Canadian society and/or addressing the challenges they have successfully overcome as members of a minority group in the Canadian context. Essays may be based on work done for a course. Length: 2,000-2,500 words maximum. They may be written in Spanish or English, and will be judged by the following criteria: critical insight, originality, relevance, clarity of presentation, coherence of argument and persuasiveness.

The essay’s author must be an undergraduate student registered in an academic degree program at York University (any Faculty or College, including Glendon). Eligible students must be Canadian citizens, Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need.

For this year’s competition, submit an electronic copy of your essay to no later than 28 June 2013. A panel of York University professors associated with CERLAC and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Program at York will act as judges for the contest. The winner will be announced in August 2013. Prize winning essays will be announced by TLN and by CERLAC and published on-line on their websites. The winners will also be announced on TLN (which may also interview and profile each winner).

Submit to: 
Deadline for submissions: 28 June 2013

More information: contact CERLAC at 416.736.5237 or

Posted in: Opportunities

Call for Nominations: Michael Baptista Essay Prizes 2013

Published April 21, 2013

by iris_author

Call for Nominations: Michael Baptista Essay Prizes 2013

Deadline: July 31, 2013. Nominations limited to York University students only.

The Michael Baptista Essay Prizes recognize annually, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, an outstanding scholarly essay of relevance to the area of Latin American and Caribbean Studies from a humanities, social science, business or legal perspective. These prizes offer an opportunity for York University faculty to recognize outstanding student work in the area of Latin American and Caribbean studies at York University.

If you are a York faculty member who graded an exceptionally accomplished piece of student work (at the graduate or the undergraduate level) of relevance to these regions this past academic year, we encourage you to nominate the essay in question.

The prize includes a monetary component of $500 per awardee.  Winning essays will be considered for publication by CERLAC (the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University).

The essays may be from a full or half course during the 2012-2013 academic year, or a summer 2012 course.  Major Research Papers at the graduate level may also be nominated.  Submissions should be no longer than 35 double-spaced pages (exclusive of bibliography).  Deadline extensions are available in instances where significant re-writing is required to shorten the work to within that limit.


Request a nomination form from CERLAC: OR download the form here:

Submit the nominated paper and accompanying form to CERLAC no later than July 31, 2013.  Both can be submitted electronically via email to: Hard copies are not required, but can be sent to: CERLAC, 8th Floor, York Research Tower.

ONLY FACULTY MEMBERS CAN NOMINATE A PAPER. Students may not self-nominate. Nonetheless, we encourage students who have received top grades and high praise on their papers to bring the existence of this prize to the attention of their instructors, so that they might nominate the paper if they so choose. 
A student may have only one essay entered into the competition in any given year (if more than one is nominated, the student will be asked to choose which is to be entered into the competition). Faculty members may nominate no more than one paper per level of study (max. two overall) in any given year. For the purposes of this award, an "undergraduate student" is a student enrolled in an undergraduate program who has received no prior post-secondary degree.

The papers submitted will be reviewed by two to three faculty readers with research interests in Latin America and the Caribbean. Both the prizewinners and the nominating faculty members will be advised of the decision approximately by the end of September 2013.

The Michael Baptista Essay Prizes recognize annually, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, an outstanding scholarly essay of relevance to the area of Latin American and Caribbean Studies from a humanities, social science, business or legal perspective. These prizes are funded by the friends of Michael Baptista, and the Royal Bank of Canada where he was a Senior Vice-President until his untimely death.

More about the essay prize:

Baptista Prizewinning Essays:

If you have any questions please contact CERLAC at 416.736.5237 or

Interested in Latin America and/or the Caribbean? Want to receive information about related academic and cultural events, opportunities, and current affairs?

LACYORK Informational listserv on Latin America and the Caribbean is a moderated listserv managed by the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) at York University in Toronto, Canada.
To join: send a request for subscription to LACYORK with your full name and email address to

LACYORK is intended as an electronic venue for information-sharing among scholars and practitioners interested in:

  • the culture, political economy, and human and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean and their diasporas;
  • inter-hemispheric relations;
  • globalization from a regional perspective;
  • social justice and human rights issues in the region.

On the list is posted:

  • current news from conventional and alternative sources on important regional events and issues;
  • information about new publications, bibliographic resources, useful websites, conferences, and other events (the latter mostly - but not exclusively - taking place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada);
  • employment, internship, study, and volunteer opportunities in the region (or in relevant organizations worldwide concerned with human rights, labour, the environment, women's issues and development)

Posted in: Opportunities

Nominations for 2013 International Student Excellence Awards

Published April 21, 2013

by iris_author


International Student Excellence Awards

The City of Toronto recognizes the significant contribution that the international students make to its economic and socio-cultural development. The City wishes to enhance their positive experience and to celebrate their presence here. To fulfill this vision, the City in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), partner academic institutions, Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA) and corporate sponsors is organizing an International Students Festival on September 28, 2013 at David Pecaut Square (at Metro Hall), 55 John Street, Toronto. The festival is expected to be attended by international students, their families and friends, institutional staff, foreign dignitaries and others. The Presidents of the partner universities and colleges and Ambassadors/High Commissioners/Consul-Generals of the top 20 countries which are the source of the most international students will also been invited to the event.


On the occasion of the festival, six outstanding international students will be recognized and presented with Toronto Excellence Awards. The presentation of awards is an acknowledgement of the significant contribution these students make in diverse fields. Each Excellence Award winner will receive a Certificate, a gift and $500 cheque.


Award Categories

  1. Community Services
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Academic Excellence
  4. Sports
  5. Arts & Culture
  6. Professional Achievement


Award Category


Community Services
  • A current student or a student who has graduated in the past one year
  • Significant contribution to community services while maintaining academic excellence
  • Examples of community services include, but not restricted to: raising funds for disaster relief; drive to procure materials for food bank; outreach and help to communities in need
  • Community services undertaken both in Canada and abroad during the period of study are eligible for consideration
  • A current student or a student who has graduated in the past one year
  • Contribution to entrepreneurial efforts or business development
  • Examples of entrepreneurial activities will include, but not restricted to: setting up a new enterprise, start-up or a business; providing significant help in growing an existing business enterprise; activities that resulted in employment generation.
  • Entrepreneurial activities undertaken both in Canada and abroad during the period of study are eligible for consideration.
Academic Excellence
  • A current student or a student who has graduated in the past one year
  • Achieving and maintaining high level of academic performance
  • Examples of academic excellence will include, but not restricted to: consistent high level of academic grades, developing award winning projects, publications, research work
  • Academic achievements both in Canada and abroad during the period of study are eligible for consideration.
  • A current student or a student who has graduated in the past one year
  • Contribution to athletics and sports
  • Examples of excellence in sports will include, but not restricted to: winning top places in sports competitions, promotion and creating awareness about sports among youth, coaching winning individuals and teams.
  • Achievements in sports both in Canada and abroad during the period of study are eligible for consideration.
Arts & Culture
  • A current student or a student who has graduated in the past one year
  • Contribution to arts and culture fields.
  • Examples of arts and culture activities will include, but not restricted to: contribution to visual arts such as painting, sculpture, photography; performing arts such as music, theatre, film, dance; promoting cultural integration.
  • Art and cultural activities undertaken both in Canada and abroad during the period of study are eligible for consideration.
Professional Achievement
  • An international student who came to study in one of the partner academic post-secondary institutions and then decided to settle and work here on completion of one year after studies.
  • Highly successful in the chosen profession or business or any other area
  • Examples of success will include, but not restricted to: reaching to top or near top level in a chosen profession; established or helped in establishing a medium or large enterprise; has become a publicly-know personality by virtue of devotion to particular cause; high level of research achievement.


Award nominations

  • The partner universities and colleges are invited to nominate potential candidates in each category. The academic institutions are expected to follow their own plan of action regarding circulation of this notification within their institutions; and for internal nomination consultations, e.g., consultations with faculty, staff, student unions, alumni associations, etc.
  • Maximum number of nominations per institution should not exceed three in each category.
  • Deadline to submit nominations: Monday, July 01, 2013.
  • The nominations should reach on or before the deadline to Jagdish Yadav either:
  1. via email at:


b. by mail to:

Jagdish Yadav

Senior Advisor – Education

Economic Development & Culture Division

City Hall, East Tower, 9th Floor

100 Queen Street West

Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2


Contents of Nomination Package

The nominations should include the following:

  1. Name of nominee
  2. Academic institution
  3. Nominee’s short bio not exceeding 200 words
  4. Country of origin and number of years in Canada
  5. Educational qualifications including any specific academic recognition such as Dean's Honours list, highest marks, first rank in a project, etc.
  6. Initiatives undertaken individually or as member of a group
  7. Distinguished achievements in the chosen field
  8. Recommendations, if any.
  9. Any other significant information that is not covered in points 1 to 7 above.


Selection Process

The nominations will be reviewed by a selection panel to choose the winners and honourable mentions in each category. The selection panel will consist of three members. For ethical reasons, none of the members of the selection panel will be from a nominating institution. The selection panel is expected to review the nominations and choose the award winners in the second week of July 2013.


Award Presentation

The awards will be presented at the International Students Festival which is being organized on September 28, 2013 in Toronto.



Posted in: Opportunities

Youth Internship Program 2013-2014/ Programme de Stages Pour les Jeunes pour 2013-2014

Published April 21, 2013

by iris_author

Dear Shastri friends, 
The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is very pleased to launch its youth internship program titled:BRINGING YOUTH INTO DEVELOPMENT (BYID). This program is funded by the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for 2013-2014.  
Under the BYID program, 20 Canadians post-secondary graduates, undergraduates and graduates  will have an opportunity to gain professional experience on international development by working abroad with one of the following four reputable Indian development organizations for a 6-months internship. The host Indian organizations are: 

The BYID program aims at: 
§  Developing the professional and humanistic capacities of young Canadian man and women to increase their participation in the Canadian and international labour market; 
§  Engaging Canadian youth in the international development field by developing their professional and leadership qualities, cross cultural understanding and adaptability; 
§  Contributing to the national development of India by employing the knowledge and skills of Canadian youth in capacity building of the partner organizations in India; and 
§  Promoting a better understanding of International development issues among the youth and the Canadian public at large.
“Bringing Youth into Development” will focus on CIDA’s three thematic priorities, covering several Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations. The priority areas for 2013-14 internships are: (1) Increasing food security; (2) Stimulating sustainable economic growth; (3) Securing the future of children and youth. 
India provides an excellent setting to gain hands on knowledge on developmental issues. Therefore, by enabling work on sustainable development projects through BYID, these internships will not only provide Canadian youth with the tools and experience needed to launch successful careers but will also  contribute to sustainable economic and social development in India. Throughout the project, the interns will have comprehensive opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge, confidence and adaptability, which, we believe, will help them make more informed and expansive career choices. 
Please visit our website: for more information about the BYID program.
Chers amis de Shastri, 
L’Institut Shastri Indo-Canadien est très heureux de lancer son programme de stages pour les jeunes canadiens intitulés « IMPLICATION DE JEUNES DANS LE DEVELOPPEMENT »Ce programme est financé par le gouvernement du Canada par le biais de l’Agence Canadienne de Développement International (ACDI) pou l’année 2013-2014.

En vertu de ce programme, vingt (20) diplômés canadiens post-secondaires et des trois cycles d’études auront l'occasion d'acquérir une expérience professionnelle en développement international pour une durée de six (6) mois avec l'une de ces quatre organisations: 

§  Le Centre de Recherche en Développement Rural et Industriel (CRDRI), Chandigarh -
§  L’Institut du Changement Social et Economique (ICSE), Bangalore -
§  La Fondation de la Recherche  M.S. Swaminathan (FRMSS), Chennai -
§  L’Udayan Care, New Delhi -

Ce programme a pour objectifs de : 
·         Développer les capacités professionnelles et humanitaires de jeunes Canadiens, femmes et hommes,  afin d’accroître leur participation sur le marché du travail tant canadien qu’au niveau international;
·         Engager des jeunes Canadiens dans le développement international en renforçant leurs compétences professionnelles, leurs capacités de leadership et d’adaptation, des connaissances reliées aux échanges interculturelles;
·         Contribuer au développement de l'Inde en mobilisant les connaissances et les compétences de jeunes Canadiens afin de renforcer les capacités des organisations partenaires en Inde; 
·         Promouvoir une meilleure compréhension des enjeux du développement international auprès des jeunes canadiens et la population canadienne de façon générale.

Le programme : ‘Implication des  jeunes dans le développement’ 
 vise trois priorités thématiques de l’ACDI. Ces priorités s’inscrivent dans plusieurs Objectifs de développement du Millénaire (OMD) des Nations Unies. Les domaines prioritaires pour ce programme pour 2013-2014 sont comme suit : (1) Accroître la sécurité alimentaire, (2) Stimuler la croissance économique de façon durable, (3) Contribuer à assurer l'avenir des enfants et des jeunes.
L'Inde fournit un excellent cadre pour acquérir des connaissances sur les questions relatives au développement. En impliquant des jeunes Canadiens dans des projets de développement ayant une visée durable à travers ce programme, il est attendu qu’ils et elles acquièrent des capacités à élaborer des  outils, des lignes directrices et de façon générale une expérience, tout en étant satisfaisante de par une contribution au développement économique et social dans une perspective durable en Inde, qui leur donnera des acquis solides pour une carrière professionnelle réussie.
Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter notre site web au
Veuillez trouver ci-joint l’affiche de ce program, nous vous prions de  bien vouloir circuler l’information au sein et à l’extérieur de votre institution.opp

Posted in: Opportunities

Poetic Energy

Published April 19, 2013

by iris_author

On Wednesday March 20th, IRIS hosted its fourth annual Earth Hour event, in Michelangelo's Restaurant. The event ran through the afternoon with an amazing line-up of musical performances, guest speakers, games, and lantern-making workshops.

One special addition to the event this year was "Poetic Energy", a poetry workshop led by Elana Margot and supported by FES Professor Catriona Sandilands.

Taking place in a separate room lit only by sunlight, the participants joined together to express their feelings towards the environment, earth hour, and anything that was on their mind really.


As an experience, the workshop asked one to be vulnerable in conveying experiences, thoughts and emotions in a way beyond the limits of academia and everyday language.

Through poetry (and other forms of art), one is able to escape the confines of "rational" logic which is structured to separate subject from object ("I" and "you"). Indeed it is an empowering exercise that draws on the imagination to communicate being in ways that takes emotion into account.

And it is this connection which is needed to be made in the world today. We have all the scientifc evidence to prove climate change is real but we lack sufficient action in tackling the issue.

If we recognize that the means are as important as the ends, then maybe it's time we integrate other methods of expression into theorization, communication and action (all of which are intimately linked to one another).

I understand I went off on quite the tangent with this topic but one cannot understate the political potentials to be found in art and the need for its incorporation within everyday life.

By the end of the event, we pieced together parts of our work to create a collective poem, which was later shared in front of all our earth hour guests (below is the collective poem)


Oh right, earth hour, climate change, and all the stuff I still can’t explain, can’t fix, and don’t have enough time to learn all I want to know

I was told they were open books; they had some pages ripped out. But I know they like to glow; fly into kaleidoscopes

Cold wet fur against warm pink skin

Toothless Lions

A closeness I hope I have.

Plastic cheese
in a cooling

An accumulative catastrophe of toxic instability.
Have we blindly lost our humane sensibility?
Can we rise to repair our fragmented uncertainty?

Technological bravado

Movement and tiny experiences that matter.

The scope of these transformations is urgent yet monstrous.


But Baby it’s Our Home And we don’t
Have Another!

how do I
tell my mother?

Posted in: Blogs | Students Speak

York University releases SEI report on Electricity Conservation Policy in Ontario

Published April 18, 2013

by iris_author

Ontario Must Turn Renewed Energy Conservation Commitment into Action:  York U SEI report

TORONTO, March 25, 2013 – Ontario has failed to prioritize and make a long-term commitment to energy conservation, according to a York University report released today. The report, Electricity Conservation Policy in Ontario: Assessing a System in Progresspart of the Sustainable Energy Initiative Studies in Ontario Electricity Policy Paper Series, is published in the context of the February Speech from the Throne’s acknowledgement that “conservation is the cheapest source of energy.” The report is available at

 “The paper provides a detailed roadmap for turning the province’s renewed focus on energy conservation into reality. By acting on its new commitment, Ontario has the potential to strengthen the sustainability of Ontario’s electricity system and to enhance the energy productivity of Ontario’s economy” said Professor Mark Winfield of the Faculty of Environmental Studies and Co-chair of the Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI).

The paper  highlights overly rigid roles for electricity distribution companies in offering conservation programs; legislation that grants authority but not mandate conservation; and lack of attention and support to build a culture of conservation, as other major barriers to a successful energy conservation strategy.

Rebecca Mallinson, author of the paper and a graduate student in Environmental Studies, makes 20 recommendations, among them that the province’s long-term energy policy objectives, including the pursuit of all cost-effective opportunities for conservation, be set through legislation rather than ministerial directives.

“I hope my recommendations will help policymakers to renew Ontario's commitment to electricity conservation. It only makes sense that our energy policies make conservation a priority because conservation is the best-choice electricity option," said Mallinson.

The Faculty of Environmental Studies Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) has been established to build and strengthen the teaching, research and partnerships needed to create new green energy economies in Canada and around the world.

Further information on the initiative is available at

Posted in: News | Sustainability News

International Conference – Work in a Warming World: Labour, Climate Change, and Social Social Struggle

Published April 18, 2013

by iris_author

November 29 - December 1, 2013
Toronto, Ontario Canada

The Work in a Warming World Community-University Research Alliance (W3) is organising a major international panel on the role of labour and work in the struggle to slow global warming.

 Based in Toronto, Canada, the W3 conference is for labour and environmental activists, students, academic researchers, policy makers and the concerned public.

 W3's conference goals are to:

  • bring together labour and environmental activists from the global north and the global south;
  • make path-breaking labour and environmental research on the climate struggle known to a wider public
  • create a platform for ongoing links between researchers and unions to develop ideas, strategies and tactics;
  • share best practices in greening work and workplaces;
  • bring labour and labour research to the forefront of greening the world of work;
  • identify opportunities for labour leadership in the struggle to slow global warming.

Global warming is a universal concern, perhaps the greatest challenge facing work, workers and the planet in the 21st century. Climate change is already changing how we work, what we produce, and where we produce it. It shifts employment within and between countries, regions and communities, creating millions of climate migrants in the global north and the global south, dislocating people and industries and futures. But as global warming ravages jobs, work itself produces significant greenhouse gases (GHGs). And as important as work is to slowing global warming, the role of work and workers has been strangely absent from policy and social science research. Labour and environmental movements have yet to effectively address the role of climate change in the world of work.

 What role can workers and their unions play in slowing global warming?

Contact: Ann Kim -

Posted in: Events

Research Incubator May 27, 2013

Published April 18, 2013

by iris_author

The Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business at the Schulich School of Business will be holding an afternoon research workshop and incubator on Monday, May 27, 2013. It will be similar in format to the two events already held before in 2012.

Research Incubator
May 27, 2013 - 1:00 - 5:00 pm (lunch, refreshments)
TSE Boardroom
Miles S. Nadal Management Centre, Ernst & Young Tower
Toronto Dominion Centre
222 Bay St., Suite 500

Social - Pub Night
Duke of Devon
5:30 pm

The purpose of the workshop is to share and discuss some of the ongoing research taking place in the Centre along with an incubator to help faculty and doctoral students develop work into publishable papers in the area of responsible business, broadly defined (i.e. work that deals with social issues in management, CSR, sustainability, and business ethics). Whether you have a completed manuscript or simply a half-baked idea, the research incubator will match you with an expert in your area who will carefully read your paper or idea and provide you oral and written feedback to help you mature and develop the paper or idea. In addition, we will have a panel discussion with experienced reviewers and editorial board members to provide insight into publishing Responsible Business research in top management journals. Further details of the event, including full schedule will be provided shortly. We will be meeting in the Nadal Centre downtown. At the conclusion of the workshop, we will continue to socialize at a pub nearby, Duke of Devon,

So please let us know if you intend to attend the workshop, and send in your manuscripts, abstracts, or proposals. Whatever you send, we will find someone to help you develop that idea. The deadline for submissions is April 31st, 2013. For inquiries please contact Dirk Matten,

Please RSVP to Mary Amati, for both the Incubator & pub night

Posted in: Events

Call for Participants – International Research Roundtable

Published April 17, 2013

by iris_author

Book: "The Economic Shift: Finding Our Balance in a Sustainable Marketplace"
Author: Andrew Bowerbank

Call for Participants
International Research Roundtable
hosted by York University’s Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability

Open to all universities, students will be selected to work independently on specific research topics to deliver this highly anticipated international publication.


  • Work at your own pace.
  • Conduct focused research.
  • Develop short, concise essays in response to specific topics.
  • Only take on the work your schedule will permit.
  • Assistance from the production team is available online or over the phone.
  • One group meeting (in person or remotely) with the author will be made available each month to review developments and support your efforts.


  •  Gain real-world research experience!
  •  Receive a reference letter and a free copy of the book to support your resume!
  •  Your work will be acknowledged in this high-profile publication!
  •  Gain access to professional networks!

How to Apply:
Submit your name, university, program, year of study, and interests to: Mitra Alizadeh, YorkU Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability. by email:

Strategic Objective
Andrew Bowerbank and his team are developing a comprehensive reference book for international distribution to support the projects,
workshops, market reports and keynote addresses he conducts around the world. The book will be developed in collaboration with industry
leaders and used as an engagement tool to communicate across interest groups, leverage new market opportunities, and support

Book Premise
Since the dawn of the first Industrial Revolution, our social and economic condition has been defined by the technologies, materials and processes that comprise our built environment. Today, global leaders across sectors are now confronted by the limitations of our energy dependence, and we are witnessing an attempt to shift technology development towards cleaner fuel sources and high-performance systems to meet the demands of our rising populations.
This book will explore the technological advancements being implemented by industry leaders around the world in response to our environmental condition and review new market strategies that will support our economic priorities over the coming century.



Posted in: Opportunities | Research
