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Spaces of Refuge:
Exploring Practices, Perceptions and Policies in Forced Migration and (Re)Settlement 
6th Annual Conference of the 
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) Hosted by: 
The Department of Sociology and Criminology and 
The Atlantic Metropolis Centre 
Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NSMarch 7-10, 2013

The 2013 CARFMS Conference will bring together researchers, policymakers, practitioners, displaced persons, and advocates from diverse disciplinary and regional backgrounds to discuss spaces of refuge for forced migrants in the context of a changing global geopolitical context. We invite participants from a wide range of perspectives to explore the practical, experiential, policy-oriented, legal and theoretical questions raised by situations of forced migration as a result of conflict, development, climate change, and natural disaster. We also invite studies of short and long-term options for, challenges of, and success with respect to, integration, settlement, resettlement and voluntary return. In the area of both migration and settlement, we are particularly interested in studies that address threats to humanitarian space, and recommendations to counter such threats and build solidarity with those who seek refuge. The conference will feature keynote and plenary speeches from leaders in the field and refugees, and we welcome proposals for individual posters, papers, organized panels and roundtables structured around the following broad subthemes: 

1. Global/Transnational Causes and Solutions to Forced Migration

Main causes of displacement include conflict, environmental disasters and climate change, development, and frequently a combination of these. What’s more, one of the most concerning trends in the current global context is the number of long-term internally and internationally displaced persons. This suggests the usefulness of taking a global approach to understanding displacement and seeking solutions. Furthermore, the search for solutions must explore the balance between short-term emergency responses and durable solutions in the context of broader structural problems. In sum, this theme is an attempt to solicit analyses that explore causes for and solutions to displacement from global and transnational perspectives.

2. Challenges to Asylum/Resettlement and Humanitarian Space in Local Contexts

This theme seeks to analyze changing procedures and practices regarding asylum and (re)settlement more broadly. Recent changes in legislation on asylum in Canada, for example, illustrate the shrinking space for humanitarian action that characterizes the wider global context. What are the short and long-term implications of these changes in Canada and abroad? What are the responses of different social actors to such changes? What alternatives are available for humanitarian action? Another set of questions addresses how forced migrants, and the agencies assisting them, are coping with changes in perceptions, policies and practices concerning refugees, asylum seekers, and other forced migrants: Where and with whom do refugees and other forced migrants look for support? Where do displaced persons find or seek to find a sense of belonging? How are identities of forced migrants negotiated in different contexts of reception? Papers that consider the relevance of gender and intersectional analysis for displacement, and issues of particular relevance for refugee children and youth, are encouraged. In sum, this theme solicits exploration of the changing contexts of reception for forced migrants, and how forced migrants, agencies, and other advocates are responding to these changes.

3. Researching and Theorizing Displacement

Grounding current theories and methods of research in concrete examples of displacement will lead to a better understanding, and ultimately to better policies and practices affecting the displaced in local, regional, national, and international contexts. What are the practical issues and challenges of researching displacement? How do we do research on displacement, and how does this influence what we know? How should conventional research methods be adjusted to studies of forced migrants, who are often difficult to locate, on the move, and highly vulnerable? What role do these paradigms play in how we understand different situations of displacement, and how we respond? What are the implications of positioning ourselves as academics, policy makers, displaced persons, advocates, or activists when we are looking into issues of displacement? In sum, this theme solicits primary research into specific situations of displacement, with the goals of highlighting specificity, making comparisons, testing theory, practicing reflexivity, and examining policy appropriateness in a variety of national, and international contexts. 


Individuals wishing to present at the conference must submit a 250-word abstract and 100-word biography by December 21, 2012. The conference organizers welcome submissions of posters, individual papers, proposals for panels, and roundtables.

Please submit your abstract online via the conference website:
Instructions on submitting online abstracts are available at:[]=30

For more information, please contact Michele Millard at:


Espaces de refuge : 
Explorer les pratiques, les perceptions et les politiques relatives aux migrations forcées, à la réinstallation et à l’intégration

6e conférence annuelle de 
l’Association canadienne des études relatives aux réfugiés et à la migration forcée (CARFMS) 

organisée par 
le Département de Sociologie et de Criminologie et
le Centre Métropolis Atlantique 
Université Saint Mary’s, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse

Du 7 au 10 mars 2013

La Conférence de 2013 réunira chercheurs, représentants gouvernementaux, des personnes déplacées, des avocats et des acteurs issus de diverses disciplines et d’origines géographiques, pour discuter des espaces de refuge pour les migrants forcés dans un contexte géopolitique global en évolution. Nous invitons les participants à explorer, depuis une large variété de perspectives, les aspects théoriques et pratiques, nourris par l’expérience, de nature juridique ou politique, que soulève la migration forcée suite à des situations de conflit, de développement, de changement climatique ou de désastre naturel. Nous invitons aussi les participants à explorer les différentes questions concernant l’intégration, l’établissement, la réinstallation des réfugiés et le retour volontaire des migrants forcés, ainsi que les solutions à court terme ou de nature durable pour faire face à ces problèmes, y compris les propositions visant à élargir l’espace humanitaire et à assurer la solidarité avec les migrants forcés. Des personnalités reconnues dans le domaine de l’(im)migration et des réfugiés interviendront pendant la conférence inaugurale et les sessions plénières. Nous sollicitons la soumission de présentations individuelles, d’affiches, de panels et de tables rondes autour des axes suivants : 

1.        Les causes globales et transnationales des migrations forcées et les solutions

Parmi les principales causes de déplacements forcés figurent les conflits, les désastres environnementaux, le changement climatique, les projets de développement, qui sont souvent combinés. L’augmentation considérable du nombre de personnes déplacées de manière durable, tant à l’intérieur de leur propre pays qu’à l’international, est un développement particulièrement préoccupant. Il est par conséquent nécessaire d’adopter une approche globale pour analyser les migrations forcées et explorer des solutions appropriées aux défis que soulève ce phénomène. Ce faisant, il importe d’assurer un équilibre entre les solutions d’urgence à court terme et des réponses durables aux problèmes d’ordre structural et systémique. Ce thème vise à promouvoir des analyses explorant diverses causes des migrations forcées et les solutions qui peuvent y être apportées dans des perspectives globales et transnationales.

2.        Asile et réinstallation: Défis et solutions humanitaires dans des contextes locaux
Ce thème vise à analyser l’évolution des procédures et des pratiques relatives à l’asile, à la réinstallation et à l’intégration des réfugiés plus largement. Des changements récents dans le système canadien d’asile illustrent la tendance restrictive au regard du droit des réfugiés et le rétrécissement de l’espace réservé à l’action humanitaire qui caractérisent le contexte global actuel. Quelles sont les conséquences immédiates et à long terme de ces changements dans le système canadien d’asile et dans d’autres pays? Quelles sont les réponses de différents acteurs sociaux face à ces changements? Quelles alternatives s’offrent à l’action humanitaire? Ce thème s’intéresse également aux manières dont les migrants forcés et les agences qui les aident réagissent face aux changements dans les perceptions, les politiques et les pratiques concernant les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les autres migrants forcés. Il explore entre autres les questions suivantes : où et auprès de qui les réfugiés et les migrants forcés trouvent-ils du soutien? Où cherchent-ils un sens d’appartenance? Comment sont négociées les identités des migrants forcés dans divers contextes de réception? En d’autres mots, quelles sont les réponses apportées par les migrants eux-mêmes et par les organismes et les défenseurs des droits des migrants face aux conditions d’accueil plus restrictives et plus globalement, face aux défis d’intégration et de recherche d’un sens d’appartenance?

3.        Les nouvelles approches et théories dans l’étude des migrations forcées 

Ancrer les théories et les méthodes actuelles de recherche dans des exemples concrets de déplacement vont donner lieu à une meilleure compréhension et éventuellement à de meilleures politiques et pratiques ayant un impact sur les personnes déplacées au niveau local, régional, national et international. Quelles sont les méthodologies, les théories et les questions pratiques et les difficultés liées à la recherche dans le domaine des migrations forcées? Comment les méthodes de recherche propres aux sciences humaines sont-elles adaptées à l’étude des migrants forcés qui sont souvent en mouvement et dans une situation vulnérable? Comment le point de vue de différents chercheurs peut-il varier en fonction de leur position ou de leur statut d’universitaire, de représentant gouvernemental, de décideur, de représentant du milieu associatif, d’avocat, de défenseur des droits humains ou de migrant forcé? Dans le cadre de ce thème, nous sollicitons entre autres des présentations  sur des recherches empiriques portant sur des situations de déplacements forcés et qui ont pour but d’explorer ces situations, de faire des comparaisons, de tester des théories,  ou d’examiner les politiques dans une variété de contextes nationaux et internationaux.


Les personnes qui souhaitent présenter une communication individuelle, une proposition de panel, ou organiser une table-ronde ou toute autre événement lors de la Conférence sont priées soumettre un résumé de 250 mots de leur communication ou des présentations composant le panel ou la table-ronde, ainsi qu’une note biographique de 100 mots via le site internet de la conférence :

Les informations relatives à la soumission des propositions sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante:[]=30

La date limite des soumissions est le 15 novembre 2012.

Pour plus d’information, prière de contacter  Michele Millard :

Home Sweet Home Competition

Calling all ONTARIO post-secondary STUDENTS! 

ENTER this super-fun yet academically challenging green home design competition anytime between now and March 1st, 2013. CONTRIBUTEyour creativity and research talents to making future home designs more healthy, efficient, and ethical. Winning teams will BE RECOGNIZED on stage by an audience of Ontario's best and brightest professionals in the eco design/construction sector in April.

For More Information, Please click on the HOME SWEET HOME COMPETITION page

TIG Toronto is Hiring – Fall Internships & Project Manager!

Looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute your skills to an ambitious, growing organization this Fall? TakingITGlobal empowers youth to understand and act on the world's greatest challenges, and our Toronto office is currently recruiting for a number of positions. In addition to 14 Internship Positions, from Human Resources to Communications, we are also recruiting for a full-time Project Manger role. Links to all of these positions are below, so please take a look and see if you are who we're looking for!

Human Resources Assistant
Office & Bookkeeping Assistant
Research Assistant
Sprout E-course Education Assistants
Adobe Youth Voices Project Assistant
Global Encounters Program Coordinator
Education Resource Developer - DeforestACTION
TIGed Professional Development Program Assistant
TIGed Program Assistant
TIGed Resource Translators
TIGed Sales and Business Development Coordinator
Communications Coordinator
Online Community Volunteer Coordinator
Online Community Facilitator

Want to know more about the internship program at TakingITGlobal? Check out our intern video here:

If you are interested in or know anyone who might be interested in the above noted positions please submit your resume and cover letter to no later than August 10, 2012

We have one full-time paid Project Manager position available for those passionate about social innovation with experience managing client accounts and technical projects. Interested candidates can view the posting at and apply by submitting a resume and cover letter to by August 10, 2012.

If you are who we are looking for - or know someone else that might be - take a look at these posts, get to know us a little better and we’ll be waiting to hear from you!

Why should you volunteer with us?

  • Your work will have an impact! TakingITGlobal's programs reached over 5.1 million users last year, empowering young people in over 200 countries to express themselves, develop understanding, and take action to address social issues in their communities and around the world!
  • The staff at TakingITGlobal encompasses a broad range of skills including web development, design, marketing, evaluation and surveys, fundraising, writing, editing and strategy development. The organization provides a great atform to improve and learn new skills due to the variety of projects and the opportunity to learn from others;
  • TakingITGlobal has a strong international reputation within the NGO, non-profit and charity sectors. Experience at TakingITGlobal will be respected by future employers and TakingITGlobal's collaborative nature means volunteers may grow a solid professional network and gain experience vital for future job opportunities;
  • TakingITGlobal is a vibrant and positive work environment! As part of a youth-led, youth-focused organization you will be working amongst peers in a collaborative structure. Although headquartered in Toronto, TakingITGlobal is an international organization and you will have the opportunity to work with colleagues from all parts of the world!

The Town of Huntsville Bursary Program (Health and Environmental Research)

Town of Huntsville has funded two bursaries for students in the field of environmental and/or health research.  Each bursary is in the amount of $1250.00 annually, and applicants may be eligible for up to three years.  Detailed information can be found online at

Preference will be given to applications which link to the Town of Huntsville’s Unity Plan


The deadline for applications is April 16th at 12 midnight, 2012.
Applications may be submitted by e?mail to or submitted to Rebecca Francis, Town of
Huntsville Sustainability Coordinator, 37 Main St. E. 2nd flr. between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.



For more info please contact:

Rebecca Francis | Sustainability Coordinator
(705) 789-1751 ext 2366


TIG Toronto is Hiring – May 2012

Dear Learning,

TakingITGlobal is looking for volunteer interns to work in our Toronto office this coming May! Have a look at the opportunities below - and please forward on to any friends or colleagues you think might be interested.

TakingITGlobal's mission is to empower youth to understand and act on the world's greatest challenges. As a registered charity in Canada and the US, our key strategic initiatives include:

- providing a virtual space ( for cross-cultural expression, dialogue, networking and collaboration among youth
- supporting youth action and understanding around global issues
- developing meaningful, interactive, global education experiences
- facilitating the development of local initiatives, multilingualism and skills training

Want to know more about the internship program at TakingITGlobal? Check out our intern video here:

We're looking for volunteer interns to fill the following positions:

1: TIGed Marketing and Promotions
For more details: :

2: Communications Coordinator
For more details:

3: Online Community Communications Coordinator
For more details:

4: Education Assistant (Sprout E-course)
For more details:

5: Online Community Volunteer Management Assistant
For more details:

6: Multilingual Volunteer Management Assistant
For more details:

7: Office and Bookkeeping Assistant
For more details:

8: TIGed Program Assistant
For more details:

9: Research Assistant
For more details:

10: TIGed Resource Translator
For more details:

11: TIGed Blogger
For more details:

12: TIGed Professional Development Program Assistant
For more details:

13: Human Resources Assistant
For more details:

14: Adobe Youth Voices Exhibit Guide Coordinator
For more details:

15: Adobe Youth Voices Project Assistant
For more details:

16: Youth Movements Program Assistant
For more details:

17: TIG Executive Assistant
For more details:

The application deadline is Monday, March 26th, 2012

Please submit a resume and cover letter to:

Contact: Human Resources

Email: (include the title of the position in the subject of the e-mail)

Mail: 19 Duncan Street, Suite 505, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3H1

Fax: 416-352-1898

For Inquiries: 416-977-9363 ext. 315

Why should you volunteer with us?

- Your work will have an impact! TakingITGlobal's programs reached over 4.5 million users last year, empowering young people in over 200 countries to express themselves, develop understanding, and take action to address social issues in their communities and around the world!

- The staff at TakingITGlobal encompasses a broad range of skills including web development, design, marketing, evaluation and surveys, fundraising, writing, editing and strategy development. The organization provides a great platform to improve and learn new skills due to the variety of projects and the opportunity to learn from others;

- TakingITGlobal has a strong international reputation within the NGO, non-profit and charity sectors. Experience at TakingITGlobal will be respected by future employers and TakingITGlobal's collaborative nature means volunteers may grow a solid professional network and gain experience vital for future job opportunities;

- TakingITGlobal is a vibrant and positive work environment! As part of a youth-led, youth-focused organization you will be working amongst peers in a collaborative structure. Although headquartered in Toronto, TakingITGlobal is an international organization and you will have the opportunity to work with colleagues from all parts of the world!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about these positions! Thanks for sharing these opportunities with others!

In friendship,


2012-13 Home Sweet Home Challenge

The 2012-13 Home Sweet Home Student Challenge will launch on January 10, 2012 via the website The challenge scenario will be posted on the website at that time, along with all guidelines and entry forms. Hint: this year's scenario involves designing a small, efficient residence for a famous comedian in a quirky location.

The Student Challenge is open to all full-time students at accredited post-secondary institutions in Ontario, and is particularly well suited to students of architecture, engineering, construction, environmental technologies, design, and related fields. Success in this competition demands rigorous product specification research and technical design considerations, as well as attention to marketability and aesthetics.

Team entries are encouraged (up to four members) and may be inter-disciplanary and/or inter-institutional.  The entry fee is $50 per team.

The Challenge will remain open for a full year to engage all semesters.  The closing date is March 1, 2013, with awards the following month. At the awards function, student finalists are recognized alongside their professional counterparts in the parallel Home Sweet Home Competition, and provided with other career-networking opportunities.  [Look for the Student Challenge section]

Thank you!

Jill Thompson, B.A., B.E.S.
Project Manager, Home Sweet Home Competition and Student Challenge (c/o Mindscape Innovations)

P:   Ext 224. (647) 367-2938 / (613) 366-1922 / or toll-free (877) 394-6589
W: /

Click here to go to the Home Sweet Home Competition Facebook page (no login required).

Office Hours: M-F / 1-5pm or by appointment.

On-Demand ON-LINE Course Measuring & Reporting your Carbon (GHG) Footprint

WHEN: Available Any Time ON-LINE



In this previously recorded course you will:

  • Follow a 9 Step GHG Measurement and Reporting Process.
  • Understand the Definition of GHGs and sources of GHGs, GHG Inventory Boundaries, Scopes of Emissions and apply  GHG Standards and Protocols (ISO 14064-1 and GHG Protocol).
  • Apply direct GHG emission accounting to your operations and do GHG calculations using your electricity bill, relevant Emission Factors and understanding Sources of Error.
  • Understand exclusions, de-minimus, "base year" and recalculation concepts.
  • Discover elements of the GHG Report and Identify steps to ISO 14064 GHG verification and validation processes.

65% off for students, on a first come basis


Employee Engagement for Sustainability (ON-LINE Interactive)

When: ON-Demand, ON-LINE Prerecorded Sessions

Where: ON-LINE


In this live, ON-LINE interactive workshop you will understand the research and science behind successful principles and practices for employee engagement for sustainability.  Design a program for your company or Green Team and assess your current program against best practices while learning from peers.

Guest Speakers from: LoyaltyOne, WWF-Canada, ThinkSustain Sustainability Marketing and Realized Worth on Employee Engagement for Social Sustainability.

65% off for students, on a first come basis


Facilitating Transformational Change toward Sustainability (Part I of II)

Facilitating Transformational Change toward Sustainability (Part I of II)

WHEN:  Feb. 16 to March 15, 2012, 1:30-2:30 pm EST

WHERE: ON-LINE, Interactive (Webex)


In this program you will:

•             Explore why it is important to be authentic when leading sustainability initiatives and working in collaborative spaces.

•             Examine 4 personal capacities authentic leaders find essential in their work (based upon research with 33 change agents) when leading change processes.

o             Being Present

o             Suspension and Letting Go

o             Intention Aligned with Higher Purpose

o             Holding Paradoxes/Ambiguities and Multiple Worldviews

•             Learn how authenticity and self-awareness may be developed through personal and collective practices.

•             Assess one’s own personal leadership capacities to determine what capacities to develop.

•             Create an action plan for self-development.

 65% off for students, on a fist come basis


Life Cycle Assessment for Products, Processes and Services

Life Cycle Assessment for Products, Processes and Services

WHEN:  March 28 & 29, 2012,  8:30 - 4:30 pm

WHERE: Humber College North Campus,  Toronto

STUDENT PRICE: $ 350 (full price at Early Discount Rate  $ 1400); 65% off for students, on first come basis

 In this program you will:

•Gain the knowledge and skills to manage a LCA project for your product, process or service.

•Learn about LCA Software.

•Access important LCA Resources.

•Acquire knowledge applicable to the American Centre for Life Cycle Assessment Certification Exam.








