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Idle No More YorkU

Published January 9, 2013

by iris_author

Thursday January 10th from 12:00 until 15:00
Vari Hall| 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario

Calling all treaty people, Indigenous and settler people alike! Please join us in a round dance flash mob and 'Teach In' in solidarity with Idle No More and Chief Therese Spence. Our unity against the Harper Government's omnibus Bill C45 (and others) is Theresa's strength. Our knowledge, our power.

Round Dance - Vari Hall at 12 pm sharp
Teach In - 1-3pm in North Ross 203

Anishnawbe Professor, Robin Cavanagh and Professor Anna Zalik, both of the Faculty of Environmental Studies will be our quest teachers.

Please wear red, bring Indigenous national flags and supporting signs and banners. Some sign suggestions are:
-We Are All Treaty People
-Honour Our Treaties
-In Unity with Chief Theresa Spence
-Settler in Solidarity

Why January 10th?...

"For me to say that, I'm not afraid to die, I wouldn't be honest. As I stated, when I began the hunger strike (on the 12th of December) if we do not see anything positive, thirty days after the start on Jan. 10/13, I'm willing to give my life so future generations can survive and enjoy the many gifts from the "Creator". I have a lot of very good reason to want to live, and I have a lot of faith in all of the Aboriginal People and our Sisters and Brothers of other color, who are in this struggle to save "Mother Earth" for those that are living and those not yet born." Chief Theresa Spence

Posted in: Events
