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Exclusion, Explusion and Extraction

Published November 3, 2011

by iris_author

2011 Tuesday Lecture Series

Climate Justice: Perspectives from the Margins

Date and Time: Tuesday, November 8th, 12:45-2pm

Location: HNES 140

As world leaders prepare to gather in Durban, South Africa, for yet another ineffectual climate change conference, those affected by climate change are calling for direct action to address the climate debt of the rich. This panel will give an overview of climate justice proposals from the Arctic, Latin America and Africa. FES professor ELLIE PERKINS will speak about proposals addressing climate justice as alternatives to the bankrupt international UNFCCC progress. FES postdoctoral fellow RACHEL HIRSCH will speak about her work on climate justice in Nunavut, as well as her coordination work of Pan-Canadian and South African network that has created space for communication prior to COP 17. MES student ERIN KONSMO will address the links between Indigenous youth, women, climate justice and sexual and reproductive health.

Challenge what is. Imagine what could be.

Posted in: Events
