Published November 3, 2011
by iris_author
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011
Location: North York Civic Centre, Council Chambers
Refreshments at 6:30pm
Presentations & Discussion
7:00 – 9:00pm
Gary Miedema: Heritage Toronto
How we got there: North York and the post-war boom
Steven Logan, York & Ryerson Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture
Cultural heritage of the single family suburb: The Leona Drive Project
Douglas Young, City Institue and Urban Studies, York University
Planning and the modern suburb: Then and now
Helene Lardas, Senior Planner, Urban Design, North York District, City of Toronto
North York landscapes
Paul Hess, Department of Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto
The planning heritage of tower communities: Findings from the Walkability Studies
Laura Taylor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
Cultural landscapes of North York’s Modernist high rises
Scott Barrett, Heritage Preservation Services, City of Toronto
Heritage Conservation District Policy
Moderated by Christopher Hume, Toronto Star columnist
Suburbia Heritage of the Everyday
A dialogue on post-war suburban architecture as part of the city’s heritage, presented by the North York Community Preservation Panel (NYCPP) together with the City Institute at York University (CITY)
Posted in: Events