Published August 7, 2011
by iris_author
On Tuesday, November 15th the newly formed Ontario Network on Ecosystem Services (ONES) is hosting a full-day forum on eco-system services in Ontario. This event will bring together re-searchers and practitioners work-ing on ecosystem services to dis-cuss where we are and where we’re going.
The Forum:
Possible topics include:
- Valuation of ecosystem ser-vices
- Incentive mechanisms for pro-tection and restoration
- Influencing policy develop-ment
- Implementing payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs
- And more…
The forum will consist of:
- Short presentations
- Panel discussions
- Facilitated discussions
- Poster displays
We are currently inviting anyone who is interested in contributing as a presenter, panel member, discussion facilitator, and/or poster presenter.
Submit a brief abstract (1 page or less) describing yourself, your area of interest and how you would like to contribute.
Deadline is Monday, August 15th, 2011
For submissions or general ques-tions, contact:
Mike Halferty
416-493-4565 ext. 225
Posted in: Events
Hello Mike
I have just found out about your group and am interested in learning more. Unfortunately, I teach on the day of your first meeting. Please keep me on your mailing list. I am an environmental economist at Brock University. I have experience in undertaking non-market valuation surveys and am currently doing focus groups on wetlands values.