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Toronto’s Premier Environmental Event

Published January 24, 2011

by iris_author

Every year for the past 19 years the Toronto Environmental Alliance
(TEA) has held the Ecobunk Awards that honours adverstising excellence
in greenwashing. The who's who of the environmental community gets
together to laugh, network and have a good time. In return, TEA gets
some needed money that helps us campaign on important environmental
issues at City Hall.
This year marks the 20th Anniversary Ecobunk. It's on February 2nd at
the Lula Lounge (details here).
Tickets are $40 each or $320 for a table of 8. In return, you get a
great evening's entertainment, you get to meet fellow Torontonians who
care about the environment, and you get to help TEA continue our work.
Finally, as you all know, the new Mayor and his supporters are wanting
to dismantle some of the important environmental accomplishments we've
won in the past few years. We need your help to make sure this doesn't
happen. Coming to Ecobunk is one way you can do this.

For more information:

Posted in: Events
