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World Sustainable Development Teach In Day

Published November 14, 2010

by iris_author

The aims of the “World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day” are:
to disseminate information on the concept, aims and purposes of sustainable development so that it can be understood by a broad public, and will include elements relating to its environmental, social, economic and policy aspects;
to raise awareness among university students on the complexity of matters related to sustainable development and the need for personal engagement and action;
to provide an opportunity to introduce projects and other initiatives on sustainable development that are being undertaken at international, regional and local level by schools, universities, government bodies, NGOs and other stakeholders;
to discuss the problems, barriers, challenges, opportunities and the potential achievements with regard to implementing sustainable development, globally, regionally and locally
Target Groups

The "World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day" will reach a broad audience, comprising:
University students of all subjects;
University lecturers and professors;
NGO members, industrialists;
Interested individuals.

The “World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day” consists of:
A set of 50 lectures in English prepared by some of the leading experts on sustainable development,
A set of videos on the scientific, economic and social aspects of sustainable development, which can be downloaded and
A discussion forum which will be on-line for 24 hours during the initiative.
The lectures are divided into four categories:
o        Category A: lectures on the theory and practice of sustainable development;
o        Category B: lectures on environmental, social, political and economic aspects of sustainable development;
o        Category C: lectures dealing with education, communication and training on sustainable development;
o        Category D: lectures describing local (i.e. at campus level) and regional initiatives, practical projects and other efforts involving different groups and stakeholders whose approach/methods may be replicable, transferable or likely to be of interest to a wide audience.

The following institutions are Partners of the “World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day”:
AASHE - Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
Disciplinary Associations Network for SustainabilityProf. María Novo, UNESCO Chair in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, National University on Distance Education, Spain
Partnership for Education for Sustainable DevelopmentUNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

Posted in: Events
