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Road Pricing & Smart Growth Forum

Published October 31, 2010

by iris_author

Transportation planning and land use planning are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, the 4th Transport Futures Forum will expand on what road pricing can do for congestion reduction, pollution and infrastructure funding by focusing on what it can do for smart growth.

Given the importance of Ontario's Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Act and Metrolinx's Big Move, could road pricing help the province meet density targets, accelerate transit-oriented development, convert
brownfields and protect green space? How might a comprehensive tolling policy influence development industry strategies and consumer real estate preferences, costs and travel destinations?

These are a couple of the tough questions that we'll debate with the assistance of our distinguished experts. Here is a quick snapshot of what you can expect to learn from them:

Dr. Robin Lindsey from UBC will give a provocative overview of road tolling and its relationship to land use planning in Canada and around the world; Dr. Alex Anas from the State University of New York will provide cutting-edge research on US congestion, road pricing and urban sprawl.

Ms. Sue Flack of MRC McLean Hazel will examine the pros and cons of European road pricing and its impact on development patterns; Dr. Richard Soberman of Trimap Communications will take a critical look at travel demand and urban form in the Greater Toronto Area.

Our forward-looking program, which also features interactive panel and group discussions, is designed to build progressively on the road pricing dialogue we've been facilitating since 2008.

Don't miss this opportunity to discuss tolls and smart growth with our excellent speakers and each other!  Register today to reserve your seat and take advantage of our incredible early bird rates!

The Transport Futures Road Pricing and Smart Growth Forum is taking place at The Metropolitan Hotel in downtown Toronto, conveniently located at 108 Chestnut Street just behind Toronto City Hall.

For further information about our exciting program, please visit or send an email to

We look forward to welcoming you to Transport Futures on December 2nd!

Posted in: Events
