Published October 17, 2013
by asma0805
Friday, March 21 - Sunday, March 24, 2014
York University, Toronto, ON
Download the Call for Papers (PDF 120KB)
Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, November 10, 2013
Results Announced: Thursday, November 14, 2013
Paper Submission Deadline: Monday, February 24, 2014
This is a call for abstracts for the 5th Annual Canadian Business Ethics Research Network (CBERN) PhD Winter Research Meeting in Toronto from
Friday, March 21 - Sunday, March 23, 2014.
The PhD Winter Research Meeting will bring members of the PhD Cluster working in different disciplines together at York University, along with faculty and non-faculty discussants, to develop works-in-progress. CBERN aims to promote knowledge-sharing and partnerships within the field of business ethics and across private, governmental, voluntary and academic sectors. An important aim of CBERN is to support the next generation of researchers and practitioner-scholars from across Canada. This annual meeting features professional development workshops, networking, and opportunities for research development post event. Accommodations will be provided at the Executive Learning Centre Hotel at the Schulich School of Business, York University.
Participants must be registered in a PhD program at a Canadian institution, and working on a dissertation or substantial research project in business ethics, broadly defined*.
Membership in the Cluster is free, and requires only that students join the Network. If you are not yet a member, please join here.
Workshop Format
All participants will present and discuss a work-in-progress, which could include a paper they intend to send for publication, a paper they are preparing for a conference, or a chapter of their PhD dissertation.
Papers will be made available to all participants for comment and pre-event discussion three weeks before the workshop, in a secure area on the CBERN website.
During the weekend meeting, each paper will be discussed during a one-hour session. This will include a 10 minute review of the paper, followed by a 40 minute critical discussion aimed at exploring and developing this work from different disciplinary and cross-sector perspectives, leading off with responses from senior faculty and professionals working in sectors relevant to the topic. To focus time on discussion, presenters are encouraged to limit PowerPoint presentations (if used) to 5 slides.
Each discussion session will involve at least one faculty and one government, industry or NGO advisor. Advisors will review papers in advance and provide critical feedback to the students at the workshop. In past meetings, we have involved up to 12 faculty and over 20 non-faculty advisors in this meeting, providing a valuable range of expertise in discussing and developing PhD research questions and projects.
Submission Details
- Abstracts from PhDs at all stages of the degree process are welcomed.
- The deadline for submitting an abstract is Sunday, November 10, 2013.
- Abstracts should be no more than 400 words.
- Please include author, title, overview of argument or approach to the research problem, and potential contribution to theory and practice.
- You will also need to provide the following information with your abstract. This information will be used for a CBERN application to the SSHRC Connection grant program (see submission form for details):
- Information from your academic CV
- A shortened version of your abstract (150 words)
- A paragraph explaining how you will contribute value to the meeting through your presentation and participation in this cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral program.
- The deadline for submitting a complete paper is Monday, February 24, 2014.
- Complete papers should be no more than 20 pages double-spaced.
We aim to include as many participants as possible. However, space will be limited to 14-16 participants. Those accepted to present at the Winter Research Meeting will be contacted by Thursday, November 14, 2013, and asked to submit a full paper, at which time you must confirm your registration for the meeting.
Registration is a condition for travel subsidization, meals and accommodations during the event. Confirming registration for the meeting includes agreeing to substantial participation in online discussion of the papers to be presented (your own and those of other students) in advance of the event.
Please submit your abstract online at:
CBERN will reimburse the cost of travel based on a rate card indexed to the most economical fares to Toronto by region, and will arrange and pay for all meals and accommodations during the workshop.
Please note that adherence to the submission guidelines is a condition of eligibility for reimbursement from CBERN. This includes submitting your completed paper to the PhD Research Meeting workspace by the deadline of Monday, February 24, 2014, and online discussion in advance of the event.
To confirm your eligibility for reimbursement and for complete travel reimbursement policies, please contact Judy Patla, Project Coordinator:
Knowledge Mobilization & Networking
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR) will host a series of followup webinars featuring selected papers. This unique opportunity will facilitate discussion of works in progress by participants with the CBSR membership and wider community online. Information about the 2013 Research Directions Webinar series is available here:
Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy ( will help to identify advisors in the public, non-profit and private sectors for PhD works-in-progress.
*Research in Business Ethics
CBERN's mandate is to support and raise the profile of Canadian multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral research in business and economic ethics, broadly defined. This includes, but is not limited to, research in business (management, leadership, finance, governance, public administration, entrepreneurship, consumer behaviour), economics, law, philosophy, geography, environmental studies, political science, sociology, religious studies, history, and organizational psychology. Some broad themes include corporate social responsibility, socially responsible investing, stakeholder engagement, accountability, corporate governance, community economic development, meaningful work and sustainability.
For more information, please contact Hilary Martin, PhD Program Coordinator
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Posted in: Opportunities | Outreach