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Conducting your Green Office Gap Assessment

Conducting your Green Office Gap Assessment

When:  1.0  hours/week for 4 weeks (Feb. 2, 8,16 & 23, 2012 ). 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST.

Where: ON-LINE (All sessions are recorded so you never miss a session).



In this program conduct a “green” office gap assessment by completing an energy, water, waste, healthy workspaces and transportation checklist. Learn about strategies for understanding your Office baseline. And examine the best practice steps for Green Office implementation.

65% off for students, on a first come basis



ON-LINE Integrating ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) into your Management Systems

ON-LINE Integrating ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) into your Management Systems.

When: Feb. 7 to Feb. 28, 2012. 1:00 to 2:30 pm EST.

Where: ON-LINE All sessions are recorded so you never miss a session.


In this course we will show you how ISO 26000 provides practical guidance to the standard measurement and operationalization of Social Responsibility within your company and your supply chain.

We will also demonstrate its value in providing guidance for stakeholder engagement, CSR reports and claims. Business wants guidance on the best metrics to help benchmark, signal commitment to sustainability, and identify areas that need improvement. In this program we will show you how ISO 26000 can provide this guidance. 65% off for students, on a first come basis


Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy ? Annual Workshop (2012)

Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy ? Annual Workshop (2012)

Niagara?on?the?Lake, ON, 23 ?25 April 2012

The sustainable provision of energy services is critical to development, at household, local, national and globalscales.  Effective policy plays a role in advancing this goal.  Clearly?articulated principles and well?crafted rules toguide decision?making can help communities advance sustainable energy provision while simultaneouslyimproving their standard of living. In the Canadian province of Ontario, energy issues lie near the top of the political agenda.  As the Provinceattempts to transform its economy based upon ‘green energy’ strategies, there is a lively debate regarding themost effective means of moving forward.  This workshop aims to contribute to this discussion by hosting papersthat investigate aspects of energy policy that have consequence for Ontario.  This could either be investigationsof issues in which Ontario plays a role (e.g., communities within Ontario, the province as a whole, or some largerphysical grouping in which Ontario is important) or studies of experiences outside of Ontario but for whichlessons for Ontario are evident and systematically applied (e.g., evaluation of a policy experience in anothercountry, and its application to Ontario). While we welcome proposals from the entire range of energy policy issues, including those that are concernedwith any of a variety of ‘fuels’ or ‘end?uses’, we are particularly interested in papers that address one or more ofthe following themes: 1) What is the role of community energy planning?2) What have been the economic, social, planning, political and other impacts of Ontario's Green Energyand Green Economy Act and similar legislation in other jurisdictions?3) How do electoral politics influence energy policies?4) To what extent, and in what ways, do energy policy and climate policy interact?5) How have innovations in conservation and demand management policies succeeded and/or failed inadvancing energy sustainability? While paper presenters are not obliged to produce a complete, written paper for the workshop, they areexpected to make a presentation using slides and/or a handout.  All presenters will be encouraged to submittheir materials to the workshop organisers (e.g., their slides) no later than one week after the workshop’sconclusion, so that they may be posted on the ONSEP website. Interested individuals are invited to submit a title and 300?word abstract before 1 February 2012.  Applicantswill be notified whether their paper is accepted for presentation at the workshop by 15 February 2012.  Successful applicants will then have until 1 March 2012 to register for the workshop.  Non?registration by thistime may mean that their acceptance will be withdrawn, and that their paper?slot may be offered to anotherapplicant.  (Registration fees will be $500 per person – though $250 for students; this includes room and boardfor the duration of the workshop.

Information is available at

Applications should be sent to Prof. Ian Rowlands (, University of Waterloo with thesubject?line of ‘ONSEP 2012 abstract’. Inquiries may also be directed to Prof. Rowlands. (Note: FES may cover the registration costs of the FES student whose paper is accepted)

Call for Papers!



The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) at York University is inviting undergraduate students to present papers on any topic related to Latin America and the Caribbean. In recognition of the diversity of research projects, papers are welcome from all disciplines including (but not limited to) the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, environmental studies, law and business. This conference represents an outstanding opportunity to recognize the work of undergraduate students and to provide them with a setting to further explore their academic interests. The students will be asked to present their papers in a panel chaired by an upper-level graduate student. Emphasis will be placed on helping students improve their presentation, critical thinking as well as research skills. Presenters will receive a CERLAC Certificate of Accomplishment. The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) is an interdisciplinary research unit concerned with the economic development, political and social organization, and cultural contributions of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Centre works to build academic and cultural links between these regions and Canada; to inform researchers, policy advisors, and the public on matters concerning the regions; and to assist in the development of research and teaching institutions that directly benefit the peoples of the regions.

Contact/Submissions: We encourage applicants to submit 10 pages maximum (double space) papers to

The deadline for the submission of papers is Friday, February 17, 2012.

Applicants will receive confirmation of acceptance by early March.

For more information about CERLAC

IACPES Summer Course in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

The first IACPES Summer Course in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics will be held the week of Aug 27-31, 2012 at York University.

We ask that all IACPES students put this week on hold. We are happy to have investigators and collaborators attend as well. The summer course will be open to non-IACPES students who have an interest in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Other activities during the week will also be open to non-IACPES students, conditional on space availability. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for all IACPES students. More details will be forthcoming. A brief synopsis of the week is as follows: August 27 - IACPES Symposium (all students should plan on making a presentation) August 28-30 - Summer Course in ACP August 31 - Training activities for students (to be announced) No further details are available at the moment; they will be communicated as they come available.

We look forward to seeing you all in August.

For information on IACPES visit:


TakingITGlobal is looking for volunteer interns to work in our Toronto office next year! Have a look at the opportunities below - and please forward on to any friends or colleagues you think might be interested.

TakingITGlobal's mission is to empower youth to understand and act on the world's greatest challenges. As a registered charity in Canada and the US, our key strategic initiatives include:

- providing a virtual space ( for cross-cultural expression, dialogue, networking and collaboration among youth
- supporting youth action and understanding around global issues
- developing meaningful, interactive, global education experiences
- facilitating the development of local initiatives, multilingualism and skills training

Want to know more about the internship program at TakingITGlobal? Check out our intern video here:

We're looking for volunteer interns to fill the following positions:

1: TIGed Marketing and Promotions
For more details:

2: Communications Coordinator
For more details:

3: Online Community Animator
For more details:

4: Education Assistant (Sprout E-course)
For more details:

5: Global Encounters Educational Animator
For more details:

6: Multilingual Volunteer Management Assistant
For more details:

7: Office and Bookkeeping Assistant
For more details:

8: TIGed Program Assistant
For more details:

9: Research Assistant
For more details:

10: Online Community Communications Coordinator
For more details:

11: Web Developer
For more details:

12: DeforestACTION Program Assistant
For more details:

13: Human Resources Assistant
For more details:

14: Volunteer Management Assistant
For more details:

15: Education Assistant Change Inc
For more details:

The application deadline is Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Please submit a resume and cover letter to:

Contact: Human Resources

Email: (include the title of the position in the subject of the e-mail)

Mail: 19 Duncan Street, Suite 505, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3H1

Fax: 416-352-1898

For Inquiries: 416-977-9363 ext. 315

Why should you volunteer with us?

- Your work will have an impact! TakingITGlobal's programs reached over 4.5 million users last year, empowering young people in over 200 countries to express themselves, develop understanding, and take action to address social issues in their communities and around the world!

- The staff at TakingITGlobal encompasses a broad range of skills including web development, design, marketing, evaluation and surveys, fundraising, writing, editing and strategy development. The organization provides a great platform to improve and learn new skills due to the variety of projects and the opportunity to learn from others;

- TakingITGlobal has a strong international reputation within the NGO, non-profit and charity sectors. Experience at TakingITGlobal will be respected by future employers and TakingITGlobal's collaborative nature means volunteers may grow a solid professional network and gain experience vital for future job opportunities;

- TakingITGlobal is a vibrant and positive work environment! As part of a youth-led, youth-focused organization you will be working amongst peers in a collaborative structure. Although headquartered in Toronto, TakingITGlobal is an international organization and you will have the opportunity to work with colleagues from all parts of the world!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about these positions! Thanks for sharing these opportunities with others!

In friendship,


York International Internship Program

Looking for a way to gain international experience? Want to spend your summer doing something meaningful?

Check out the York International Internship Program. Opportunities range from environmental education in Cambodia, to an outdoor art gallery in Italy, to a biomedicine laboratory in Spain, to a science centre in South Africa, to working with street kids in Mexico. Follow the link to explore the opportunity and explore the world.

55 placements available

Duration: 3 months beginning in May 2012

Open to all York Students who meet eligibility criteria

Includes a $3000 York International Internship award to offset expenses and students are also eligible for additional funding to substantially offset cost of flight

Deadline to Apply: January 6, 2012

Call for Student Rapporteur

Call for Student Rapporteur

The W3 (Work in a Warming World) at York University is looking hire two students Rapporteur to cover and report on a discussion on work and climate change. One student for November 18, 2011 and another for November 19, 2011.

Title: International Panel – Greening Work in a Chilly Climate: Canadian Challenges & International Perspectives

Date: November 18 &19th, 2011
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm (approx)
Address: Bram & Bluma Appel Salon at the Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street,

Toronto, Ontario M4W 2GB

Event Description: The Workshop is organized by W3–Work in a Warming World. One year into our work, we’re workshopping the first stage of research, and identifying next questions.

The papers presented are by our W3 people and some invited presenters. They map the impact of climate change on employment, assess Canadian government policy in comparison with other OECD countries, explore the intersection of gender, work and climate change, and look at how unions are working with other organizations to introduce green transition to collective bargaining. Some of our papers look at what is happening in other countries, some are also internationally comparative.

Workshop participants include W3 team members, a member of W3’s International Expert Reference Group, and, for the first time, the students in W3’s new Student Network.

Topics to be covered during the workshop include:

Day 1

a. History and policy

b. Economic sectors

Day 2

c. Good practice and wicked problems

d. Vulnerability, resilience, strategic creativity


  • Meet with W3 Project Coordinator prior to the event to discuss details
  • Attend the event International Panel on your selected date (18th or 19th).
  • Within ten days following the event, complete an 800-1000 word report summarizing the key issues and debates that were covered during the discussion.
  • Electronically submit the final report to the W3 Coordinator.


  • Name
  • Year of Study (4th years and graduate students only)
  • Department of study
  • Resume and Coverletter
  • Short paragraph of discussion why the topic Work and Climate change interests you, either academically or personally (max 200-250 word )
  • Please indicate on your application which date you prefer to Rapporteur. Your preference will be taken into consideration, however there are not guarantees.

Payment: $20 hour (approx 5hours-10hours)

Deadline: November 11, 2011

Please submit your application to Kausar Ashraf (Project Coordinator for the W3) at and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
