Published January 20, 2012
by iris_author
Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy ? Annual Workshop (2012)
Niagara?on?the?Lake, ON, 23 ?25 April 2012
The sustainable provision of energy services is critical to development, at household, local, national and globalscales. Effective policy plays a role in advancing this goal. Clearly?articulated principles and well?crafted rules toguide decision?making can help communities advance sustainable energy provision while simultaneouslyimproving their standard of living. In the Canadian province of Ontario, energy issues lie near the top of the political agenda. As the Provinceattempts to transform its economy based upon ‘green energy’ strategies, there is a lively debate regarding themost effective means of moving forward. This workshop aims to contribute to this discussion by hosting papersthat investigate aspects of energy policy that have consequence for Ontario. This could either be investigationsof issues in which Ontario plays a role (e.g., communities within Ontario, the province as a whole, or some largerphysical grouping in which Ontario is important) or studies of experiences outside of Ontario but for whichlessons for Ontario are evident and systematically applied (e.g., evaluation of a policy experience in anothercountry, and its application to Ontario). While we welcome proposals from the entire range of energy policy issues, including those that are concernedwith any of a variety of ‘fuels’ or ‘end?uses’, we are particularly interested in papers that address one or more ofthe following themes: 1) What is the role of community energy planning?2) What have been the economic, social, planning, political and other impacts of Ontario's Green Energyand Green Economy Act and similar legislation in other jurisdictions?3) How do electoral politics influence energy policies?4) To what extent, and in what ways, do energy policy and climate policy interact?5) How have innovations in conservation and demand management policies succeeded and/or failed inadvancing energy sustainability? While paper presenters are not obliged to produce a complete, written paper for the workshop, they areexpected to make a presentation using slides and/or a handout. All presenters will be encouraged to submittheir materials to the workshop organisers (e.g., their slides) no later than one week after the workshop’sconclusion, so that they may be posted on the ONSEP website. Interested individuals are invited to submit a title and 300?word abstract before 1 February 2012. Applicantswill be notified whether their paper is accepted for presentation at the workshop by 15 February 2012. Successful applicants will then have until 1 March 2012 to register for the workshop. Non?registration by thistime may mean that their acceptance will be withdrawn, and that their paper?slot may be offered to anotherapplicant. (Registration fees will be $500 per person – though $250 for students; this includes room and boardfor the duration of the workshop.
Information is available at
Applications should be sent to Prof. Ian Rowlands (, University of Waterloo with thesubject?line of ‘ONSEP 2012 abstract’. Inquiries may also be directed to Prof. Rowlands. (Note: FES may cover the registration costs of the FES student whose paper is accepted)
Posted in: Opportunities