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ON-LINE Integrating ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) into your Management Systems

Published January 26, 2012

by iris_author

ON-LINE Integrating ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) into your Management Systems.

When: Feb. 7 to Feb. 28, 2012. 1:00 to 2:30 pm EST.

Where: ON-LINE All sessions are recorded so you never miss a session.


In this course we will show you how ISO 26000 provides practical guidance to the standard measurement and operationalization of Social Responsibility within your company and your supply chain.

We will also demonstrate its value in providing guidance for stakeholder engagement, CSR reports and claims. Business wants guidance on the best metrics to help benchmark, signal commitment to sustainability, and identify areas that need improvement. In this program we will show you how ISO 26000 can provide this guidance. 65% off for students, on a first come basis


Posted in: Opportunities
