Published December 25, 2010
by iris_author
After conducting a seven-month online survey, on Thursday the University of Indonesia (UI) announced the first environmental-based universities rankings, hoping the benchmark would be adopted by every campus worldwide, wrote The Jakarta Post Dec. 12.
The survey, conducted between May and November, ranked participating universities based on several factors, including the percentage of green space on their campus, electricity consumption, waste and water management, and the application of eco-sustainability policies and efforts. As many as 94 universities from 35 countries participated in the survey, which is called “UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities 2010”.
Seven US-based universities entered the ranking's top 10, including the University of California, Berkeley, which topped the list, and Northeastern University, which came fourth.
"We hope there will be more universities participating in the survey next year," UI rector Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri said.
UI GreenMetric Ranking:
University of California, Berkeley, US (8,213 points)
University of Nottingham, UK (8,201.55 points)
York University, Canada (7,909.14 points)
Posted in: Sustainability News