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Gabrielle Slowey

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Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

Associate Professor svp, Department of Political Science

Ross Building, S665

In the News:

Research Interests
Indigenous Governance; Resource Development; Land Claims

Selected Publications:
Slowey, Gabrielle A. 2008. Navigating Neoliberalism: The Mikisew Cree First Nation.
Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Slowey, Gabrielle A. 2008. “A Fine Balance: First Nations and the Dilemma of
Development”, in Annis May Timpson, (ed.) First Nations First Thoughts. Vancouver:
University of British Columbia Press. Pp. 229-247.

Slowey, Gabrielle A. 2008. Unfinished Business: Self-government and the
JBQNA Thirty Years Later”, in Yale Belanger, ed. Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada: Current Trends and Issues 3rd ed. Saskatchewan: Purich Publishing. Pp. 206-221.

Slowey, Gabrielle A. 2008. “The State, The Marketplace and First Nations: Theorizing
Aboriginal Self-Determination in an era of Globalization,” in Thibault Martin and Steven
M. Hoffman, eds., Power Struggles: Hydro-Development and First Nations in Manitoba
and Quebec. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. Pp. 39-54.

Slowey, Gabrielle A. 2001. “Federalism and First Nations: Finding Space for Aboriginal
Governments,” in Ian Peach, (ed.) Constructing Tomorrow’s Federalism: New Routes to
Effective Governance. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press. Pp. 157-170.

Slowey, Gabrielle A. 2001. “Globalization and the Dispossessed: Impacts and
Implications for First Nations,” American Review of Canadian Studies. 31, 1 and 2:265-

Gabrielle Slowey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political
Science at York University where she teaches courses in Canadian and Aboriginal Politics. Her research considers ways in which neoliberal globalization affects the political and economic development of First Nations. Her research centers on the Canadian north (Yukon, Northwest Territories, Northern Alberta and Northern Quebec) along with a comparative focus on New Zealand and (soon) Ontario.

In her most recent project she compares political and economic development pressures in Old Crow, Yukon and Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories in light of looming oil and gas development. This project is supported by a SSHRC Northern Development Research Grant (2006-2009) and forms part of a larger IPY (International Polar Year Grant) Project 310: The Impacts of Oil and Gas Activity on Peoples in the Arctic Using a Multiple Securities Perspective (GAPS).
