Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professor, Department of Biology
Lumbers Building, 206B
Tel: 416-736-2100 x20109
Director, IRIS
IRIS Office 349 York Lanes
Tel: 416-736-2100 x33631
E-mail: dbazely@yorku.ca
Research Interests
Herbivory, Plant-Animal Interactions, Restoration Ecology, Forest Management, Invasive Species, Non-indigenous Plants, Prescribed Burning, Fungal Endophytes, Plant Defences, Science Policy, Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems, Sustainability, Human-Wildlife Interactions, Urban Ecology
Personal Website and additional links:
Dawn Bazely is Professor in Biology at York University and Director of IRIS, York University’s Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability. She received both her B.Sc. in Biogeography and Environmental Studies (1981) and M.Sc. in Botany (1984) from the University of Toronto. She completed her Ph.D. in Zoology (1988) at Oxford University, UK.
Dawn and her students study plant-animal interactions, from temperate to arctic regions, along with associated research areas, including invasive species, climate change impacts, forest dynamics, and fungal endophytes of grasses.. Her research has included studies of the effect of grazing by lesser snow geese on sub-arctic salt-marshes, foraging behaviour in sheep, plant anti-herbivore defenses and the effects of deer grazing and browsing in Carolinian forests in southern Ontario. She has done field-work in Scotland, England, Scandinavia, Newfoundland, on Hudson Bay, and throughout Ontario.
Dawn’s publications number over 70 journal articles, chapters, and books, including Ecology and Control of Introduced Plants: Evaluating and responding to invasive plants, 2003 (Cambridge University Press monograph with Judith Myers), and the forthcoming, Environmental Change and Human Security in the Arctic, co-edited with Gunhild Hoogensen and Andrew Tanentzap) (Earthscan Press).
Dawn teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in plant ecology, biological science, population biology, ecology and evolution, conservation, environmental security and sustainability. In 2003, Bazely received the Faculty of Science and Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award. She frequently gives guest lectures in courses across York University and at other universities.
From 2006-11, Dawn led the Canadian section of the International Polar Year project, GAPS: Gas, Arctic Peoples and Security. Most recently, Bazely spent 2011-12 on sabbatical as a Bullard Fellow at Harvard Forest, Harvard University, and as Visiting Researcher in the Biodiversity Institute, Oxford University, where she worked on a book examining conservation issues in Southern Ontario, Canada from scientific, policy and political perspectives. She presents the most heavily populated, industrialized and farmed area of Canada, as a case study for evaluating what might lie ahead for other parts of the temperate forest region, extending south and east into the Northeastern USA. She also completed research for the Oxford University Press Annotated Bibliography on Grazing Ecology, one of a range of Ecology bibliographies. Read her sabbatical report.
Selected Publications and Readings
Dawn writes the Director’s blog at http://www.iris.info.yorku.ca/
Open Access articles are available by searching “Bazely” at Yorkspace http://pi.library.yorku.ca/dspace/
Forest ecosystem research
Tanentzap, A.J., Bazely, D.R., Koh, S., Timciska, M., Haggith, E.G., Carleton, T.J. and Coomes, D.A. 2011. Seeing the forest for the deer: do reductions in deer-disturbance lead to forest recovery? Biological Conservation. 144: 376-382.
Bazely, D., Tanentzap, A., Heaton, M. and Bales, G. 2010. Impacts of White-tailed Deer in the Mixed Wood Plains. Contribution to the Technical Ecozone Status and Trends report for the Mixedwood Plains for the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Governments of Canada. 2010. Canadian Biodiversity: Ecosystem Status and Trends 2010 [online]. Canadian Councils of Resource Ministers. Ottawa, ON. www.biodivcanada.ca/ecosystems
Koh, S., Bazely, D.R., Tanentzap, A.J., Voigt, D.R. and Da Silva, E. 2010. Trillium grandiflorum height is an indicator of white-tailed deer density at local and regional scales. Forest Ecology and Management. 259: 1472-1479.
McLachlan, S.M., and Bazely, D.R. 2001. Recovery patterns of understory herbs and their use as indicators of deciduous forest regeneration. Conservation Biology: 15: 98-110.
Myers, J.H. and Bazely, D.R. 1991. Thorns, spines, prickles and hairs: Are they stimulated by herbivory and do they deter herbivores? pp. 325-344. In Tallamy, D. and Raup, M. (eds.). Herbivore-Induced Phytochemical Changes in Plants. Paul Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Grassland ecosystem research
Bazely, D.R., Ball, J.P., Vicari, M., Tanentzap, A.J., Bérenger, M., Rakocevic, T., and Koh, S., 2007. Broad-scale geographic patterns in the distribution of vertically-transmitted, asexual endophytes in four naturally-occurring grasses in Sweden. Ecography. 30: 367–374.
Bazely, D.R., Vicari, M., Emmerich, S., Filip, L., Lin, D. and Inman, A. 1997. Interactions between herbivores and endophyte-infected Festuca rubra from the Scottish Islands of St. Kilda, Benbecula and Rum. Journal of Applied Ecology 34: 847-860.
Vicari, M. and Bazely, D.R. 1993. Grasses fight back: the case for anti-herbivore defences. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 137-141.
Bazely, D.R., Ewins, P.J. and McCleery, R.H. 1991. Possible effects of local enrichment by gulls on feeding site selection by wintering Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis. Ibis 133: 111-114.
Bazely, D.R. and Jefferies, R.L. 1989. Lesser Snow Geese and the nitrogen economy of a grazed salt-marsh. Journal of Ecology 77: 24-34.
Bazely, D.R. and Ensor, C.V. 1989. Discrimination learning in sheep with cues varying in brightness and hue. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 23: 293-299.
Environmental Security, including Climate Change and Invasive Species
Smith, A. L., Hewitt, N., Klenk, N., Bazely, D. R. and Yan, N., Wood, S., Henriques, I., MacLellan, J. I., Lipsig-Mummé, C. 2012. The effects of climate change on the distribution of invasive alien species in Canada: a knowledge synthesis of range change projections in a warming world. Environmental Reviews. 20: 1-16.
Hewitt, N., Klenk, N., Smith, A., Bazely, D. R., Yan, N. Wood, S., MacLellan, J. I., Lipsig-Mumme, C. and Henriques, I. 2011. Taking Stock of the Assisted Migration Debate. Biological Conservation. 144: 2560-2572.
Hoogensen, G., Bazely, D., Christensen, J., Tanentzap, A. and Bojko, E. 2009. Human Security in the Arctic – Yes, it is Relevant. Journal of Human Security 5: 1-10.
Tanentzap, A.J., Bazely, D.R., Williams, P.A., and Hoogensen, G. 2009. A Human Security Framework for the Management of Invasive Nonindigenous Plants. Invasive Plant Sciences and Management. 2: 99-109.
Myers, J. and Bazely, D.R. 2003. Ecology and Control of Introduced Plants: Evaluating and responding to invasive plants. Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation Series, Cambridge University Press. An American Library Association (ALA) CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.