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Campus Sustainability

Archived Content

  • Building the York U Community Campus Sustainability Surveys
    IRIS has conducted an annual campus sustainability survey since 2007. The very first IRIS survey gathered the York community’s thoughts on climate change. The results of the survey then lead to the introduction of carbon neutral course kits. Other additional surveys have emphasized on the York community’s thoughts and opinions on campus food offerings, behaviours, and attitudes regarding the waste found on campus, campus engagement, and accessibility. Once a theme has been selected, IRIS works closely with the relevant faculties, departments and operational units to develop the action agenda. During 2012-2013, the selected theme is Greening Transportation.

Past Research Projects

  • Campus Sustainability Blueprint
    IRIS has been doing research on campus sustainability since 2006. We have now published our report "IRIS: Campus Hub for Sustainability Research".
  • Glendon Campus Project
    The Glendon Campus Project, supported by IRIS as part of its mandate for campus sustainability, is a website that contributes to the common culture of those who work and study there, to the York community and to the broader community who use the forest and the upper campus as recreational space. The project began in September 2010. The project documents and shares knowledge about the unique environmental features of the Glendon campus. The upper campus features a botanical garden and a heritage property.  Most of the lower campus is forest along the West Don river, integrated into the ravine system of the Toronto Parks. As well the project documents the history and current state of environmentalism at Glendon, with a focus on the campus conservation committee, student environmental activism and related initiatives. The Masters Program in Public and International Affairs provided two graduate assistants to the project.